Photo: Stephan Solon
Full house in Sao Paulo 4/29

Photo: Stephan Solon
Sao Paulo 4/29

Photo: Jack Howard
“Dropped in to the Rainbow Warrior, and played a few songs for the crew and supporters to support their campaign to stop oil exploration next to an amazing recently discovered coral reef off the mouth of the Amazon river.” – Peter

Photo: Greenpeace
“We support the Greenpeace campaign to prevent oil drilling near the mouth of the Amazon River where scientists have just discovered a whole new coral reef system.” – Peter

Photo: Jack Howard
“Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order” – Beckett. – Jim
Our wonderful drum tech Clem caught mid tweaking. Or twerking. – Jim

Photo: Jack Howard
The latest version of Ableton, or is it Malcolm’s NBN? – Jim