
June 28, 2018


The DVD/digital release of ‘Midnight Oil: 1984’ is coming up on July 4. If you pre-order via JB HIFI, you’ll go into the draw to win a posted signed by Rob Hirst. More info here.

Limited theatrical run in select cinemas from August 9. More info here.

Screenings will take place at select cinemas in Canada on Tue 28 Aug. More info here.

For continued updates on international rollout of the film, be sure to join the ‘Midnight Oil 1984 International Updated’ Facebook group here.

April 5, 2018

Midnight Oil to receive the Ted Albert Award for Outstanding Services to Australian Music

APRA AMCOS has announced that Midnight Oil will be the recipients of the 2018 Ted Albert Award for Outstanding Services to Australian Music at the 2018 APRA Music Awards. Spawned from the northern beaches of Sydney, Midnight Oil have always played by their own rules. Decades on, their rock n’ roll fury has remained intact – from when they first started making music together at school in 1972 to the final note played on their 2017 Great Circle World Tour. Always more than just a rock band Midnight Oil are environmental crusaders, social justice activists and powerful songwriters. In 2001, 100 music industry heavyweights polled by APRA placed Beds Are Burning at No #3 on the list of the Top 10 Best Australian songs of all time.

APRA Chair Jenny Morris said, “Midnight Oil’s uniquely Australian songs took on societal issues with fiery determination and a musical conviction that continues to connect on a global scale. I don’t want to say there will never be another Midnight Oil because the world will always need a band like Midnight Oil – now, more than ever.”

On hearing news of the honour Midnight Oil said, “Midnight Oil is proud to receive the Ted Albert Award for 2018. It’s a great honour for our band. Ted’s great skill was his knack for picking talent, his genuine love for original Australian music, and the creation of his legendary production house – which has become a by-word for excellence and success. Midnight Oil’s connection to Alberts began in 1978, when the band – in between playing sweaty pub gigs in and around Sydney – recorded our first album at the Boomerang House studio in King St (‘Whoah! A band that eats!’ said Harry Vanda, when he caught us scoffing burgers). Nine years later we were back at Alberts, this time at Neutral Bay, to record Diesel and Dust – an album inspired by the Australian desert and Top End communities, but which opened doors for us right around the world.”

The 2018 APRA Music Awards will be held on Tuesday 10 April.


March 28, 2018

“MIDNIGHT OIL 1984” in select cinemas May 10

A new movie titled “MIDNIGHT OIL 1984” is coming to select Australian cinemas on May 10. Take a look at the trailer for the film which features fresh and rare footage from on and off stage of the Oils in the mid 80’s. Tickets and more info available via

For fans outside Australia, head over to the official Facebook event page Midnight Oil 1984 – The Movie and click “attending” – news about international rollout will be shared here as it is confirmed.